The upgrade to the new InfiMONITOR NEXT system doesn't allow data export/import (devices, links, incident history, etc.) from the current InfiMONITOR system.
Upgrade to InfiMONITOR NEXT doesn't allow to transfer the license valid in InfiMONITOR to the new system.
The following upgrade scenarios are possible:
- Scenario 1: no devices monitoring history required;
- Scenario 2: devices monitoring history required.
Scenario 1
In case the InfiMONITOR system historical data are not required:
- install new InfiMONITOR NEXT product;
- purchase the necessary license (subscription);
- switch all devices to a new monitoring system.
A license to monitor 30 devices can be generated free of charge.
Additionally, you can generate a trial license, which has no limit on the monitoring devices number and has the validity period 1 month (after the expiration date, the license type automatically changes to free).
Scenario 2
In case the devices monitoring history required, use one of the following methods:
- continue to operate only the existing InfiMONITOR system (unending license) without technical support and updates;
- install InfiMONITOR NEXT with required license, stop devices monitoring in InfiMONITOR (deactivate devices), enable devices monitoring on new InfiMONITOR NEXT. Devices monitoring history will be available in the old monitoring system;
- install InfiMONITOR NEXT with the required license, collect data from devices by both: the old InfiMONITOR and the new InfiMONITOR NEXT, later move to option 2.
When using two monitoring systems together, a separate virtual machine must be allocated for each. Make sure the server has enough resources for each system.
Please note, the load of the network and devices will increase.
System requirements for InfiMONITOR NEXT can be found in the Installation article.