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Table of Contents

General information

Link Aggregation is a method of aggregating multiple network connections in parallel in order to increase throughput beyond what a single connection could sustain and to provide redundancy in case one of the links should fail. A Link Aggregation combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path, so as to implement the traffic load sharing among the member ports in the group and to enhance the connection reliability.


Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is a signaling protocol which provides a method to control the bundling of several physical ports together to form a single logical channel. LACP allows a network device to detect a faulty channel because this protocol sends special LACP packets to a peer. LACP has two standard drafts: old IEEE 802.3ad and new IEEE 802.1AX. LACP service messages are encapsulated directly into Ethernet frames, LACP does not use higher level protocols. The service messages are sent to the multicast MAC address 01-80-c2-00-00-02.
InfiNet Wireless devices have the full support of LACP according to the standard IEEE 802.3ad. Moreover, our devices support special proprietary an extension of LACP. LACP Fast mode increases efficiency and performance compared default mode. The fast mode provides next advantages: faster reaction to changes of links, intellectual estimation quality of the links, more accurate statistical data.

Load balancing

LAG consists of several physical interfaces. Devices need to determine which of the interfaces to send each received packet. All packets from the same data stream must be sent to one physical port to save an order of the stream. For example, TCP protocol can define a wrong order of the packets in the stream as a packet loss; a remote device may not be able to buffer packets for a long time and this will increase jitter and delay - lack of both of these distortions very important for VoIP protocol.


Load balancing in LAG cannot always be equable, and this will cause some issues.

titleLoad balancing algorithm:
  1. A switch estimates a hash from some header fields of the packet, depending on the method of balancing
    Balancing methods:

    • Source MAC or Destination MAC or both of them;
    • Source IP or Destination IP or both of them;
    • Source UDP/TCP port or Destination UDP/TCP port or both of them;
    • Other things which a vendor realized. For example, MPLS overhead, VLAN ID etc

    titleAdditional information

    Infinet devices supports a powerful hash function, which is a combination of source and destination MAC addresses, VLAN ID, source and destination IP addresses, UDP and TCP ports

  2. If load balancing uses source and destination fields at the same time (these can be MAC, IP, and TCP / UDP port), then XOR is calculated from their hashes

  3. The hash or XOR result is calculated depending on the number of physical ports

  4. The hash result specifies the port where packet will be sent

Radio link aggregation

The Infinet devices allow aggregate several radio links to increase summary throughput. Moreover, you can build Full Duplex link through TDMA.


Infinet devices support full 1 + 1 redundancy schemes. A hot reserve is provided by duplicating transmitting and receiving elements. It is possible to use a single frequency for the redundancy.



Configurations from the scenarios below are examples that demonstrate the potential capabilities of Infinet devices. The configuration may change depending on the model and firmware version. Do not recommend copying the solution data to the hardware without checking.

The configuration of LAG (LACP)


The maximum throughput of a single port is limited to the standard 100Base-TX. The throughput of the radio module depending on the MCS and the channel width can be higher. R5000 devices of Lite series can achieve the maximum throughput up to 180 Mbps of the bi-directional aggregated stream. It is not possible to use the maximum throughput of the radio channel in one direction through one 100Base-TX port. However, the combination of ports into one LAG allows achieving the maximum throughput in one direction.

titleConceptual PTP scheme

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Also, this scenario can be used in point-to-multipoint topologies.

titleConceptual PMP scheme

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Choose LACP (Standard or Fast mode). "Standard" LACP fully complies with the standard IEEE 802.3ad. “Fast” LACP uses only with Infinet devices and increases efficiency and performance compared default mode.


The "Fast" mode is a proprietary extension of the LACP protocol. Compatibility of this mode is guaranteed only with devices that support the MINT protocol.


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Configuration via CLI

Code Block
titleConfiguration of LAG in WANFlex
lag N [command] [(port|-port) (IFNAME | IFNAME...)]




lag N port (IFNAME | IFNAME...)]


Create LAG with name “lagN” and add ports


lag N status


Check the status of LAG with name “lagN”


lag N migrate

lag N -migrate


Allow/disallow existing sessions migration between the available parent interfaces in case of the difference in the overload. By default, migration is allowed


lag N balance

lag N -balance

Allow/disallow load-depending dispersion of new-coming sessions between the available parent interfaces. By default, balancing is enabled


lag N mode


Choose LACP (Standard or Fast mode). "Standard" LACP fully complies with the standard IEEE 802.3ad. “Fast” LACP uses only with Infinet devices and increases efficiency and performance compared default mode


The "Fast" mode is a proprietary extension of the LACP protocol. Compatibility of this mode is guaranteed only with devices that support the MINT protocol.


lag N clear


Delete LAG with name "lagN"


lag N loadm


Show a load statistics in real time on each of the parent interfaces


The basic configuration of Link Aggregation. The configuration via GUI is described above.

Configuration via CLI:

  • Create LAG

    Code Block
    titleCreating LAG
    lag 0 port eth0 eth1
    ifc lag0 up
  • Configure management IP for a LAG interface or SVI (optionally)

    Code Block
    titleCreating Managment
    ifc lag0
  • Configure switch group

    Code Block
    titleCreating Managment
     switch group 1 add 2 rf5.0 lag0
     switch group 1 start

Redundancy of a radio link using the same frequency or redundancy of a channel which built on another technology (Failover)



titleConceptual scheme

1) Manual choice of "MAC"

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2) Automatic choice of "MAC"

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Code Block
titleConfiguration of Failover in WANFlex
mint IFNAME [-]failover {MAC|auto}


mint IFNAME failover MAC


mint IFNAME failover auto


mint IFNAME [-]failover



A management is VLAN 100 inside a switch group 100. A transport of user data is inside a switch group 1.


STP protocol may block correct working Failover option. Failover option causes short-time loops in one broadcast domain.

  • Configure first radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    sw group 100 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 start
  • Configure second radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 2"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 start 
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00040 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 2"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 start
  • Create united MINT domain

    1) Manual choice of "MAC"

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0

    2) Automatic choice of "MAC"

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00080
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00090
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0

Configure switch groups


The number of the switching group for data transmission on Master 2 and Slave 2 devices must differ from the number of such a group on the devices Master1 and Slave 1

Code Block
titleMaster 1
switch group 1 add eth0 rf5.0
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 1
switch group 1 add eth0 rf5.0
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleMaster 2
switch group 2 add eth0 rf5.0
switch group 2 start
Code Block
titleSlave 2
switch group 2 add eth0 rf5.0
switch group 2 start 


Turn on the Failover option

1) Manual choice of "MAC"

Code Block
titleMaster 1
mint rf5.0 failover "MAC Slave 2"
Code Block
titleMaster 2
mint rf5.0 failover "MAC Slave 1"

2) Automatic choice of "MAC"

Code Block
titleMaster 1
mint rf5.0 failover auto
Code Block
titleMaster 2
mint rf5.0 failover auto

Make one of the links as backup link


The backup link must be defined manually when both costs of the radio links are equivalent

Code Block
titleMaster 2
mint rf5.0 -extracost 3000

Redundancy without using switches


Infinet devices allow creating redundancy topologies without using switches.

titleConceptual scheme

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A management is VLAN 100 inside a switch group 100. A transport of user data is inside a switch group 1.

  • Configure first radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
  • Configure second radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5100 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 2"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start 
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5100 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00040 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 2"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
  • Turn on POE on port eth1 (optionally)

    Code Block
    ifc eth1 poe up
  • Create united MINT domain

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth1
    mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth1
    mint prf0 -name "Slave 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00060
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth1
    mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth1
    mint prf0 -name "Slave 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00080
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
  • Configure switch groups

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    switch group 1 add eth0 rf5.0
    switch group 1 stp on
    switch group 1 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    switch group 1 add rf5.0
    switch group 1 stp on
    switch group 1 start
    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    switch group 1 add rf5.0
    switch group 1 stp on
    switch group 1 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    switch group 1 add eth0 rf5.0
    switch group 1 stp on
    switch group 1 start

Redundancy of a radio link without aggregation of channels (without using Infimux switches)


It is easy to fully reserve a connection by combining two radio channels into one MINT domain. The traffic path will be automatically selected based on the quality of each radio link in this case.

titleConceptual scheme

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A management is VLAN 100 inside a switch group 100. A transport of user data is inside a switch group 1.

  • Create first radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
  • Create second radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5100 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 2"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5100 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00040 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 2"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start 


Configure switches (Switch configuration is not included in this example)

Create united MINT domain

Code Block
titleMaster 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00060
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleMaster 2
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 2
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 2 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00080
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0


Configure switch groups


If you do not exclude the interface eth0 on one of the devices or do not enable STP, then there will be a loop


Image Removed

The STP protocol is used to eliminate the loop In the example below

Code Block
titleMaster 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleMaster 2
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 2
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 

Redundancy of radio link with aggregation of channels (without using Infimux switches)


It is easy to fully reserve a connection by combining two radio channels into one MINT domain. If you configure the aggregation of channels, you can increase the maximum throughput of the entire radio link.

titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed


A management is VLAN 100 inside a switch group 100. A transport of user data is inside switch groups 1 and 2.


Create first radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 1
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
mint rf5.0 -type master
mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 poll start
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start
Code Block
titleSlave 1
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 burst
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
switch group 100 order 1
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start


Configure second radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 2
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 freq 5100 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
mint rf5.0 -type master
mint rf5.0 -name "Master 2"
mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 poll start
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev svi100 up
ifc vlan100
sw group 100 add prf0
svi 100 group 100
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start
Code Block
titleSlave 2
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 burst
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5100 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00040 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 2"
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev svi100 up
ifc vlan100
sw group 100 add prf0
svi 100 group 100
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start


Configure switches (Switch configuration is not included in this example)


Create united MINT domain

Code Block
titleMaster 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00060
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleMaster 2
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 2
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 2 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00080
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0

Configure switch groups


The number of the switching group for data transmission on Master 2 and Slave 2 devices must differ from the number of such a group on the devices Master1 and Slave 1

Code Block
titleMaster 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 repeater on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 repeater on
switch group 1 start
Code Block
titleMaster 2
switch group 2 add eth0 prf0
sw group 2 repeater on
switch group 2 start
Code Block
titleSlave 2
switch group 2 add eth0 prf0
sw group 2 repeater on
switch group 2 start

Increasing max radio link throughput (by using switches Infimux)


Link aggregation of radio channels allows increasing the maximum radio throughput. Infimux switches can aggregate radio links into a single MINT domain where a capacity of each link will be estimated in real time.

titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed


A management is VLAN 100 inside a switch group 100. A transport of user data is inside a switch group 1.

  • Configure first radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev svi100 up
    ifc vlan100
    sw group 100 add prf0
    svi 100 group 100
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev svi100 up
    ifc vlan100
    sw group 100 add prf0
    svi 100 group 100
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
  • Configure second radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 freq 5100 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
    rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
    mint rf5.0 -type master
    mint rf5.0 -name "Master 2"
    mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 poll start
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev svi100 up
    ifc vlan100
    sw group 100 add prf0
    svi 100 group 100
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    rf rf5.0 band 40
    rf rf5.0 mimo
    rf rf5.0 burst
    dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
    mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5100 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00040 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
    mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 2"
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev svi100 up
    ifc vlan100
    sw group 100 add prf0
    svi 100 group 100
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
  • Configure InfiMux switches

    Code Block
    titleInfimux 1
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 prf0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth1
    mint prf0 -name "InfiMux 1 prf 1"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00090
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    ifc prf1 up
    prf 1 parent eth2
    mint prf1 -name "InfiMux 1 prf 2"
    mint prf1 -nodeid 00100
    mint prf1 -type master
    mint prf1 -mode fixed
    mint prf1 -key "123456789"
    mint prf1 -authmode public
    mint prf1 start
    mint join prf0 prf1
    lag 0 mode fast port eth1 eth2
    ifc lag0 up
    Code Block
    titleInfimux 2
    ifc svi100 up
    ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
    sw group 100 add vlan100 prf0
    svi 100 group 100
    ifc svi100
    switch group 100 order 1
    sw group 100 stp on
    sw group 100 start
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth1
    mint prf0 -name "InfiMux 2 prf 1"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00110
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    ifc prf1 up
    prf 1 parent eth2
    mint prf1 -name "InfiMux 2 prf 2"
    mint prf1 -nodeid 00120
    mint prf1 -type master
    mint prf1 -mode fixed
    mint prf1 -key "123456789"
    mint prf1 -authmode public
    mint prf1 start
    mint join prf0 prf1
    lag 0 mode fast port eth1 eth2
    ifc lag0 up
  • Create united MINT domain

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Slave 1 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00060
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    ifc prf0 up
    prf 0 parent eth0
    mint prf0 -name "Slave 2 prf"
    mint prf0 -nodeid 00080
    mint prf0 -type master
    mint prf0 -mode fixed
    mint prf0 -key "123456789"
    mint prf0 -authmode public
    mint prf0 start
    mint join rf5.0 prf0
  • Configure switch groups


    The number of the switching group for data transmission on Master 2 and Slave 2 devices must differ from the number of such a group on the devices Master1 and Slave 1

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
    sw group 1 repeater on
    switch group 1 start 
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
    sw group 1 repeater on
    switch group 1 start
    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    switch group 2 add eth0 prf0
    sw group 2 repeater on
    switch group 2 start
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    switch group 2 add eth0 prf0
    sw group 2 repeater on
    switch group 2 start
    Code Block
    titleInfimux 1
    switch group 1 add eth0 lag0
    switch group 1 start 
    Code Block
    titleInfimux 2
    switch group 1 add eth0 lag0
    switch group 1 start

The radio link always works in Half Duplex mode. However, MINT technology allow organizing Full Duplex channels.

titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed


A management is VLAN 100 inside a switch group 100. A transport of user data is inside a switch group 1.


Configure first radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 1
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
mint rf5.0 -type master
mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 poll start
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start
Code Block
titleSlave 1
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 burst
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
switch group 100 order 1
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start


Configure second radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 2
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 freq 5100 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
mint rf5.0 -type master
mint rf5.0 -name "Master 2"
mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 poll start
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
switch group 100 order 1
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start
Code Block
titleSlave 2
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 burst
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5100 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00040 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 2"
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
switch group 100 order 1
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start 


Configure switches (Switch configuration is not included in this example)


Create united MINT domain

Code Block
titleMaster 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00060
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleMaster 2
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 2 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00070
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 2
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 2 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00080
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0

Configure switch groups


If you do not exclude the interface eth0 on one of the devices or do not enable STP, then there will be a loop


Image Removed

Code Block
titleMaster 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleMaster 2
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 2
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
sw group 1 stp on
switch group 1 start 
  • Configure cost of links in united MINT domain

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    mint rf5.0 -extracost 1000
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    mint rf5.0 -extracost 1000


At the moment there is no good solution without minuses. Details in the case

serverIssue tracking


Configurations from the scenarios below are examples that demonstrate the potential capabilities of Infinet devices. The configuration may change depending on the model and firmware version. Do not recommend copying the solution data to the hardware without checking.

Redundancy of the radio link using XG using Infimux switches or devices from the R5000 series (Failover)



titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed


STP protocol may block correct working Failover option. Failover option causes short-time loops in one broadcast domain.


Configure first radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 1
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 freq 5000 bitr 300000 sid 10101010 burst
rf rf5.0 txpwr 25 pwrctl distance auto
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 -roaming leader
mint rf5.0 -type master
mint rf5.0 -name "Master 1"
mint rf5.0 -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 poll start
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start
Code Block
titleSlave 1
rf rf5.0 band 40
rf rf5.0 mimo
rf rf5.0 burst
dfs rf5.0 dfsoff
mint rf5.0 prof 1 -band 40 -freq 5000 -bitr 300000 -sid 10101010 -nodeid 00020 -type slave -netid 0 -minbitr 30000 -autobitr -mimo -key "123456789"
mint rf5.0 -name "Slave 1"
ifc svi100 up
ifc vlan100 vlan 100 vlandev eth0 up
sw group 100 add vlan100 rf5.0
svi 100 group 100
ifc svi100
switch group 100 order 1
sw group 100 stp on
sw group 100 start


Configure second radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 1
xg -type master
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 1
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5000
xg -freq-ul 5000
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
Code Block
titleSlave 1
xg -type slave
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 1
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5000
xg -freq-ul 5000
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1

Create united MINT domain

Code Block
titleMaster 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Master 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00050
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0
Code Block
titleSlave 1
ifc prf0 up
prf 0 parent eth0
mint prf0 -name "Slave 1 prf"
mint prf0 -nodeid 00060
mint prf0 -type master
mint prf0 -mode fixed
mint prf0 -key "123456789"
mint prf0 -authmode public
mint prf0 start
mint join rf5.0 prf0

Configure switch groups

Code Block
titleMaster 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
switch group 1 start 
Code Block
titleSlave 1
switch group 1 add eth0 prf0
switch group 1 start 

Turn on the failover option

Code Block
titleMaster 1
mint rf5.0 failover "MAC Slave 1"

Redundancy of the radio link based on STP



titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed

  • Configure first radio link
Code Block
titleMaster 1
xg -type master
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 1
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5000
xg -freq-ul 5000
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
Code Block
titleSlave 1
xg -type slave
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 1
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5000
xg -freq-ul 5000
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1


Code Block
titleMaster 2
xg -type master
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 2
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5100
xg -freq-ul 5100
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
Code Block
titleSlave 2
xg -type slave
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 2
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5100
xg -freq-ul 5100
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
  • Configure STP (not included in the example)

Redundancy of the radio link based on LACP



titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed

  • Configure first radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 1
    xg -type master
    xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
    xg -cell-id 1
    xg -channel-width 40
    xg -freq-dl 5000
    xg -freq-ul 5000
    xg -short-cp 1
    xg -freq-auto 0
    xg -max-distance 1
    xg -sframelen 5
    xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
    xg -txpwr 0
    xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
    xg -atpc-master-enable 1
    xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
    xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
    Code Block
    titleSlave 1
    xg -type slave
    xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
    xg -cell-id 1
    xg -channel-width 40
    xg -freq-dl 5000
    xg -freq-ul 5000
    xg -short-cp 1
    xg -freq-auto 0
    xg -max-distance 1
    xg -sframelen 5
    xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
    xg -txpwr 0
    xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
    xg -atpc-master-enable 1
    xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
    xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
  • Configure second radio link

    Code Block
    titleMaster 2
    xg -type master
    xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
    xg -cell-id 2
    xg -channel-width 40
    xg -freq-dl 5100
    xg -freq-ul 5100
    xg -short-cp 1
    xg -freq-auto 0
    xg -max-distance 1
    xg -sframelen 5
    xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
    xg -txpwr 0
    xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
    xg -atpc-master-enable 1
    xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
    xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
    Code Block
    titleSlave 2
    xg -type slave
    xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
    xg -cell-id 2
    xg -channel-width 40
    xg -freq-dl 5100
    xg -freq-ul 5100
    xg -short-cp 1
    xg -freq-auto 0
    xg -max-distance 1
    xg -sframelen 5
    xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
    xg -txpwr 0
    xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
    xg -atpc-master-enable 1
    xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
    xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
  • Configure LACP (not included in the example)

Redundancy of the radio link based on OSPF



titleConceptual scheme

Image Removed



Configure first radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 1
xg -type master
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 1
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5000
xg -freq-ul 5000
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
Code Block
titleSlave 1
xg -type slave
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 1
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5000
xg -freq-ul 5000
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1


Configure second radio link

Code Block
titleMaster 2
xg -type master
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 2
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5100
xg -freq-ul 5100
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1
Code Block
titleSlave 2
xg -type slave
xg -tdd-sync-src freerun
xg -cell-id 2
xg -channel-width 40
xg -freq-dl 5100
xg -freq-ul 5100
xg -short-cp 1
xg -freq-auto 0
xg -max-distance 1
xg -sframelen 5
xg -tdd-profile-auto-switching 1
xg -txpwr 0
xg -ctrl-block-boost 1
xg -atpc-master-enable 1
xg -atpc-target-rssi -55
xg -atpc-rssi-threshold 1


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