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The "rip" command allows to configure the routing module. The routing module supports two versions of the Routing Information Protocol: RIP-1 and RIP-2.
The "rip" command does not support interaction with the OSPF module, use the "arip" command to configure redistribution to this protocol.
rip start | stop | restart | flush | [-]trace [LEVEL] [syslog] | dump | [-]ridhosts [-]mcast rip IFNAME [-]v1 [-]v2 [-]in [-]out [-]v1in [-]v1out [-]v2in [-]v2out [-]ag [-]defag rip IFNAME peer { NETWORK ... | del } rip [IFNAME|int:ADDR] [no]export | [no]import } { NETWORK | all | default } [[+|-]metric N] ... rip [IFNAME|int:ADDR] [no]export | [no]import } { NETWORK | all | default } del NETWORK:= { NET|HOST } { [/MASK] | [/MASKLEN] }
Parameter | Description |
start | stop | restart | Starts/stops/restarts operation of the RIP module. The current state of the routing module is included to configuration in case of saving by the "config save" command. |
flush | Resets all export and import filters. |
[-]trace [LEVEL] [syslog] | Enables/disables the trace mode.
dump | Displays the state of internal routing tables and interfaces of the routing module. |
[-]ridhosts | Forbids the export of IP-addresses of local interfaces, if there is a network route going to the same network via the same interface. This is a specific case of aggregation and allows to limit the number of exported routes. |
[-]mcast | Allows the exchange of service packets using multicast, otherwise unicast is used. |
IFNAME [-]v1 [-]v2 [-]in [-]out [-]v1in [-]v1out [-]v2in [-]v2out | Group of options managing protocol version. Allows to specify protocol versions used for import and for export, for each interface separately. By default RIP-2 is enabled for import and export and RIP-1 is fully disabled. |
[-]ag [-]defag | Allows to configure the routes aggregation (by default is disabled).
IFNAME peer { NETWORK ... | del } | This filter is used to limit nodes number through which routing information is being exchanged.
Export/import filters | |
[IFNAME|int:ADDR] | If name or IP-address of network interface is not specified than filter is working for the whole protocol on all interfaces. For more information about the export / import filter settings, see the section below.
[no]export | [no]import } | Defines the direction of data flow.
{ NETWORK | all | default } | Defines the source of information.
[[+|-]metric N] | Sets the value or the relative change of the route metric while passing through this node. |
exact | Allows to specify an exact IP-address to avoid changes in processing of smaller sub-networks. |
del | Deletes the filter. The "del" parameter should be set after a network information. |
Export/import filters
"EXPORT" and "NOEXPORT" tables list specify networks that, respectively, must or must not be exported from the router.
"IMPORT" and "NOIMPORT" tables list specify networks that, respectively, must or must not be imported to the internal tables of the router.
Following rules must be taken into account while filter configuration:
- Filters are viewed in order from less to more general.
- First are considered filters related to specific interface addresses; then, to specific interfaces; then the general ones.
- Individual rules in the tables are ordered according to the same principle: from the smallest networks to the biggest ones, from the more detailed information to the more general.
- By default (when no filters are specified), all routes with their natural metrics are imported and exported.
- If at least one prohibiting filter is enabled, all the rest is assumed as permitted.
- If at least one permitting filter is enabled, all the rest is assumed as prohibited. Therefore, if you have started with a permitting filter, you must continue with permitting filters up to the end. If you have prohibited something, only that particular thing will be prohibited.
- If for a given network a permitting and a prohibiting filter are simultaneously enabled, then the prohibiting filter will take priority.
- To each network / subnet will be applied filters of only one group having the highest priority.
Enable RIP-1 version and disable RIP-2 for interface import. rip IFNAME v1in -v2in |
Limit nodes number through which routing information is exchanged. Information will be sent only though interfaces "", "" and all from "" range. rip rf5.0 peer |
Set the filter for a whole protocol and all interfaces. rip export all Set the filter for the "eth0" network interface. rip eth0 export all Set the filter for "" IP-address. rip int: export all |
Permit export of all routing information, except a private networks "", "" and "", and the default route. rip noexport rip noexport default rip export all Delete part of the filter created before. rip noexport del |
A route metric values are explicitly specified in exporting/importing filters. rip import metric 5 rip export metric 7 |
Original metrics values of all routes will be increased by 2. rip export all +metric 2 NOTE When specifying relative metrics change, the resulting value shall never become less than 2 or more than 13. |
Forbid the import of the "" network, but the import of the subnetworks is permitted. rip noimport exact |