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This command enables/disables the SNMP daemon (Simple Network Management Protocol) version 1, 2c and 3.
SNMP protocol support is an important feature of all communication devices, it allows system administrator to use a uniform mechanism to manage the operation of a whole network and it's components separately.
Although versions 1 and 2c of the SNMP protocol lack security in the operation of the protocol itself, which hinders it's use for network management, it is widely used to monitor and analyze network operation.
Support of SNMP V3 with USM (User-based Security Model), MD5 authentication and confidentiality mode are also available. For access granting, a user account with username, access passwords and access rights (with or without authentication and confidentiality) is created.
SNMP daemon implementation supports MIB-II, as well as private MIBs.
user NAME (add|set) [pass PASSWORD] [sec[urity] (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)] [acc[essRights] (readOnly|readWrite)] [cla[ss] (guest|admin)] [privpass PRIVPASS] user NAME del[ete] comm[unity] NAME (nodebug|debug [prox] [trap] [stat] [mibs] [user] [cryp] [time] [flow]) (v1disable|v1enable) # SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c disable/enable (start|stop) clear
Parameters | Description |
user NAME (add|set) | Add/set a username to which parameters are referred |
[pass PASSWORD] | Set a password of SNMP user account. |
[privpass PRIVPASS] | Set a "privacy" password if a confidentiality mode is required. |
[sec[urity] (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)] | Set the level of security:
[acc[essRights] (readOnly|readWrite)] | Provides access management of the resources:
[cla[ss] (guest|admin)] | Set an access level to the variables:
user NAME del[ete] | Deletes a user account. |
comm[unity] NAME | Allows changing the default community name. The default SNMP v1 and 2c community name for read operations is "public". |
(v1disable|v1enable) | Enables / disables support of SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. Disabling as a result fastens incoming SNMP-requests processing. |
(nodebug|debug [prox] [trap] [stat] [mibs] [user] [pack] [time] [flow]) | Disables/enables printing of SNMP service information into the system log. Allows to filter records out by the following parameters:
(start|stop) | Disables/enables SNMP daemon. |
clear | Resets the SNMP configuration. |
Set the password "mypassword" for user "john" and select second level of security with authentication but without confidentiality. snmpd user john add pass mypassword security authNoPriv |