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InfiLINK XG – the solution in InfiNet Wireless product portfolio for Point-to-Point link establishment, with excellent spectral efficiency in the sub-7 GHz frequency band, record processing power and the best performance over long distances.
Reaching a peak of 500 Mbps of net throughput in 40 MHz of spectrum and more than 130 Mbps in only 10 MHz, it is the highest performing Point-to-Point system available in the marketplace today.
InfiLINK XG devices are available with integrated standard and high gain antennas, as well as a connectorized version for external antennas. The combination of high output power, even on higher modulations, and excellent receiver sensitivity makes it possible to achieve extraordinary performance values and the radio link availability over long distances, both with and without line of sight.
InfiLINK XG family will fit perfectly into a large array of applications such as backhaul in the telecom market, education, oil and gas, smart cities, video surveillance and public safety. It was designed by InfiNet to meet the exact requirements of the most demanding customers, most complex projects and most challenging environments.
InfiLINK XG 1000
InfiLINK XG 1000 - the solution in InfiNet Wireless product portfolio for Point-to-Point link establishment, with throughput of up to 1 Gbps in 5 GHz frequency bands. The new family devices are intended for highly loaded backhaul link establishment, to reach requirements of the most demanding customers. The InfiLINK XG 1000 family units harmoniously complements the InfiLINK XG with double performance systems and enables to meet accelerating demand for cost-effectively capacity under rapidly evolving conditions.
InfiLINK XG 1000 uses two non-adjacent channels that gives a great advantage compared to 802.11ac systems. Thus, to achieve a peak throughput of 1 Gbps it utilizes two 40 MHz channels instead of a single 80 MHz.
Devices are available with integrated standard and high gain antennas, as well as a connectorized version for external antennas.
InfiLINK XG 1000 family is the ideal choice for a large array of applications such as backhaul in the telecom market, education, oil and gas, smart cities, video surveillance and public safety. It was designed by InfiNet to meet the exact requirements of the most demanding customers, most complex projects and most challenging environments.
The datasheets of devices are presented on the InfiNet Wireless website.