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Successfully pass the free certification exam at IW Academy and become an Infinet Certified Engineer.

To the certification exam

General recommendations

  • It is recommended to have two teams prepared for alignment procedure, each team with at least two installers: one should take the signal readings and communicate with the remote side, the other should make the adjustments with the device.
  • Rough alignment is necessary as the main lobe of the device is narrow. Use the azimuth, elevation angle and suspension height from InfiPLANNER report for this process.
  • There are two ways to determine the received signal level: RSSI LED on the device case or built-in graphical antenna alignment tool.


To perform a correct alignment via RSSI LED display, the automatic transmit power control mechanism (ATPC) must be disabled.

  • For alignment use adjustment knobs of the MONT-KIT-85PW. After that tighten nuts M8.


For further adjustment if needed weaken the nuts M8 on about 15 degrees. Perform required antenna alignment and then tighten nuts M8.

Do not adjust knobs without weaken the nuts first.

  • For more accurate alignment, use the alignment tool built into the device web interface.
  • After the initial alignment, the device at the remote side must be locked. Firstly, the alignment is performed for one device, then for another. Do not make simultaneous adjustments on the devices.
Antenna Alignment

Alignment tool

Use the Alignment tool to point and optimize the device in the direction of maximum link signal. The built-in graphical antenna alignment tool displays the signal levels for both devices, this makes an alignment process fast and accurate.

A green marker indicates the current signal level. To achieve the best performance, this marker should be as close as possible to the pale green area values, which displays the maximum calculated value possible for this link. A gray marker indicates the maximum value that was reached on this channel.