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Successfully pass the free certification exam at IW Academy and become an Infinet Certified Engineer.

To the certification exam

In order to setup an operational point-to-point link please follow the steps below.

Perform site survey

  • Use InfiNet Wireless link planner tool InfiPLANNER to estimate link performance and required configuration in terms of antennas, channel width, Tx power, etc.
  • Determine line of sight conditions and obstacles along the path
  • Perform spectrum analysis and figure out spectrum occupation and available channels

Pre-configure units in the lab

The equipment list required for lab configuration


  • 2 x Outdoor Units
    • Supplied

  • 2 x Indoor power supply IDU-BS-G(60W)
    • Supplied

  • 2 x Power Cord
    • Supplied

  • 1 x Laptop
    • Not Supplied

  • 4 x Ethernet patch cords
    • Not Supplied

Table - The equipment necessary for initial configuration

In the lab and later on site connect the devices as indicated below:

  • Connect laptop to the IDU port labeled as "IN" with an Ethernet cable.
  • Use another Ethernet cable to connect "GE0" port at the ODU to the IDU port labeled as "OUT".

  • Use power cord to connect the IDU using AC mains.

Figure- Connection Scheme


Before supplying power to the Um models an external antenna or RF terminators with 50 Ohms resistance must be connected to both N-type connectors.

During laboratory testing, it is allowed to directly connect two devices with RF cables without antennas with the mandatory use of attenuators with attenuation of at least 40 dB for each polarization. Switching off/on the attenuators and RF cables should only be performed when the devices are in the off state.

In case the antenna, attenuator or terminator is connected to only one N-type connector do not switch on the device.


After the physical connections are completed, configure each unit as described below.

Units settings can be performed via:

Settings via web interface 

Step 1

Access the unit to the default IP address with mask via web browser.

Make sure that the Ethernet port of the Laptop has an IP address assigned from the same subnetwork as the one for the unit (for example, set with mask

Step 2

Use any letters or numbers for initial authentication, for example:

  • User name: "login".
  • Password: "password".


Make sure to set strong passwords before running the units in production.

Step 3

Log in to the Web GUI.

Initially the status of the radio link is DOWN like below.


Figure - Initial link status
Step 4

Upgrade the units to the latest stable firmware version.

For more details go to the section "Maintenance".

Step 5

Perform radio settings.

Go to the "Radio" section and set the following parameters:

  • Node Type (one unit must be set to Master and the other one to Slave).
  • Link ID.
  • Channel Width.
  • Frame period.
  • Max Distance.
  • Center Frequency.
  • Maximal Transmit Power.


The detailed description for each radio setting can be found in the section "Radio".


 Please note that the following parameters must have the same values at each of the two units in the PtP link. Otherwise the wireless link won’t be established:

  • Center Frequency
  • Channel Width
  • Frame Period
  • Max Distance
  • Short Cyclic Prefix
  • Link ID
Step 6

Save the configuration, reboot both units and check if they link is up.

The link status should be UP and the radio statistics should indicate the capabilities and quality of the link.

Figure - Link UP status

Settings via CLI  

Step 1

CLI is available via telnet: "cmd> telnet" or use any suitable telnet client such as Putty.

Step 2

Use any letters or numbers for initial authentication, for example:

  • User name: "login".
  • Password: "password".


Make sure to set strong passwords before running the units in production.

Step 3

Check the firmware version and upgrade the units to the latest stable firmware version.

You can check firmware version via command:

xginfo version

Compare current version of the unit with version on official Infinet ftp server: In case a newer version is available we recommend upgrading.

For more details go to the section "Maintenance".

Step 4

Configure radio parameters.

ParameterCommandValue (example)
Node Typexg -typemaster (slave)
Link IDxg -cell-id1
Channel Widthxg -channel-width40
Frame periodxg -sframelen5
Max Distancexg -max-distance1
Downlink Center Frequency
xg -freq-dl4960
Uplink Center Frequency
xg -freq-ul 5010
Maximal Transmit Power
xg -txpwr10


Commands description is given in the section "Commands for modem configuration".


 Please note that the following parameters must match at both units. Otherwise the wireless link won’t be established:

  • Center Frequency
  • Channel Width
  • Frame Period
  • Max Distance
  • Short Cyclic Prefix
  • Link ID


In order to apply the same settings to the another unit you should use the following command output "xg config -peer-exported". Execute these commands in CLI of the another unit.

#Peer exported config:
xg -v3-start
xg -v3 a01b833402f59907abdcb812d5de20fd.Ko7ClHTRVps/8oyNjnucBcSqUlcCJbOae9Kf4OZ
xg -v3 zRU7tYm1REMTUyHWYTaGGuuooDp2DWkcxyFGLmEb5yx45wFImL5Nx72XK6bnl9AzRdZjWVSN
xg -v3 xCrliSUfn7JZazn1yTEKE90fKLIK/HKNJXYN7vg4lEocgBWguYdFc/u8fEwENtJYBSKNGbu3
xg -v3 HQ0HvIdTqAwOz5vXM89CkhL5ZZmDuYN3FFSo6wV+h//zBuSfuJ5QVb6fv2Do6tPIE4kuZSsB
xg -v3 UXLavUriPtSlRxzIYUO7+9XSMggomrf7NZtM37PxQkUYIZ116K3++w5HPVXXq8Po7xVmotnq
xg -v3 px1uDbYtSjs2O9yx6h6Z0HGp8GLAEY7Ka5ZRoyAvyfA73pobYrEhzZ+hdwWnDDJYM3DmAhuW
xg -v3 yAUgtVHJ4hC9u6BP5IAlQXsm5QSbuRwihWdmrwiThwSGmXiZWCXOmxzg1IA==
xg -v3-end
Step 5

Save configuration.

config save
Step 6

Restart the unit.

restart yes
Step 7

Check the link status.

Sys log show | grep UP

In case of success configuration:

[XG]: changed state UP->DOWN

Perform Initial Antenna Alignment

Step 1

Install both units on the pole and direct them at each other (more detailed information about units installation and antenna alignment is described in the section "Units Installing").

Step 2

Turn them on and make sure that the units subsystems are working properly. This can be done by LED indication.

LEDNormal stateFunction


On - power is applied to the device

Off - no power is applied or improper power source

SFPOnEthernet link
GE1OnEthernet link
GE0OnEthernet link
RFOnRF link. Blinking while establishing RF link
Table - Indicator Panel Description
Step 3

Perform coarse alignment using built-in signal strength indicators.


The more indicators are on, the better wireless connection is established. The blinking indicator means an intermediate state. The more often the indicator blinks the higher level connection is established.

Step 4

Perform fine alignment using the "Alignment tool" available in the Web interface or "xginfo stat" output in the CLI. Try to  maximize CINR and RSSI readings. Please follow the detailed indications from section Antenna alignment for a proper antenna alignment.

Optimize the Link Performance

Method 1
Depending on the values for CINR, RSSI change the following parameters:
  • Decrease/increase the Tx power level in order to have the CINR above 28 dB and the RSSI between -40…-60 dBm.
  • Enable ATPC mode with setting "Target RSSI" value. The RSSI value of the master tries to engage the target range, the center value of which is the "Target RSSI".
Method 2

Use the Spectrum Analyzer tool built-in the Web GUI in order to determine the best frequency and to check the radiation levels in the installation area. Frequency should be left to "auto" in case of Instant DFS units (for unlicensed bands), or it should be set to a specific value (in countries where DFS is not mandatory) on the master unit after performing the Spectrum Analyzing test on both units.

Method 3

Select the most appropriate air frame period:

  • A shorter frame period gives lower latency, but also has higher overheads.
  • Using longer frame periods cuts down overheads, but increases the latency.
Method 4
Enable "Short Cyclic Prefix" mode in order to mitigate inter-symbol interference due to multipath propagation environment.
Method 5
Enable "Control Block Boost" mode that improves link availability in the most difficult propagation and interference conditions due to the radio frame with control information transfer at duplicate transmit power.
Method 6
Enable "Instant DFS" that gives availability to change frequency without link interruption.
Method 7

Monitor air block error rate by checking the "Acc TBER"  parameter in the "Status" page or in "xginfo stat" output and adjust the AMC strategy if necessary.


 Acceptable error rate depends on the application. See some examples in the table below.

ApplicationAcceptable error rate
TCP-based applications (web, FTP, etc.)10-4
UDP video (CCTV, IPTV, etc)10-6
Table - Acceptable error rates for different applications

The "AMC Stratefy" may be changed depending on customer erquirements:

  • conservative” assumes using higher CINR thresholds in order to minimize the error rate.
  • aggressive” lowers the thresholds in order to use higher modulation levels and thus increase the throughput.
  • normal” represents a balance between the error rate and throughput values.

It is recommended to use “normal” strategy initially and adjust it based on target and actual TBER values.