InfiMONITOR polles devices via the SNMP protocol. Therefore each device in the network should have SNMP agent running and configured to perform the devices management and monitoring.

How to add new device to monitoring network

By default, "SNMP Agent" and "SNMP Trap" are disabled. 

Make necessary changes to the device configuration to perform monitoring with InfiMONITOR: enable "SNMP Agent" and configure the "SNMP Trap" parameters.

There are two ways:

  1. Via the CLI command line interface (this option is faster)
  2. Via the WANFleX web-interface.

Via the CLI

Access the device via the Telnet or SSH protocols and execute the following commands (replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the desired values):

snmpd user USERNAME add pass PASSWORD security authNoPriv accessRights
readWrite class admin

Only protected mode "authNoPriv" is supported by InfiMONITOR

Start "SNMP Agent" and save the configuration

snmpd start
config save

In order to start and configure "SNMP Agent" simultaneously for all CPEs connected to the BS (including BS too), on the BS execute the following commands

mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "snmpd user USERNAME add pass PASSWORD security authNoPriv accessRights readWrite class admin"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "snmpd start"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "config save"

In order to enable "SNMP Trap" simultaneously for all CPE s connected to the BS  (including BS too), on the BS execute the following commands (replace "IP ADDRESS" with the InfiMONITOR IP-address)

mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd start"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd dst IP ADDRESS:162/v2"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type topoGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type radioGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type mintGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type ospfGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type linkEvent enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd typetrapdColdStartEvent enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type snmpdAuthenticationFailureEvent enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "trapd type syslog enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -all -self "config save"

Configure the agent IP-address separately, for each device (replace"IP ADDRESS" with the device IP-address value)

trapd agent IP ADDRESS
config save

Via the web-interface

You can use the Web-interface "Command Line" section for running the commands mentioned above.

Login to the device via Web-interface. Go to the "Basic Setting" page and then to the "SNMP" menu. Click the "Access" option

Select the “Start SNMP” checkbox (in order to enable "SNMP Agent") and unselect the “Version 1 enable” checkbox (in order to disable the SNMPv1 version, which is enabled in the default configuration). Click the «Add SNMPv3 User» button and insert the authentication data to access the device via the SNMP protocol into the “User Name” and “Password” fields. Leave the rest of the parameters intact:

Click the “Traps” option in the "SNMP" menu, where are following fields:

Finalize the configuration, click the "Apply" button.