InfiNet Wireless R5000-Smn

Detailed information about each R5000-Smn part number you can find at InfiNet Wireless web-site: (PtP products) and (PtMP products)

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Smn units top views with indicator panels are below:

Device status descripition according to LED modes is given in section ODU LED indicators description.

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Lmn

Detailed information about each R5000-Lmn part number you can find at InfiNet Wireless web-site: (PtP products) and (PtMP products)

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Lmn units top view with indicator panel is below:

Device status descripition according to LED modes is given in section ODU LED indicators description.

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Mmx

Detailed information about each R5000-Mmx part number you can find at InfiNet Wireless web-site: (PtP products) and (PtMP products)

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Mmx units front panel view is below:

Device status descripition according to LED modes is given in section ODU LED indicators description.

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Omx

Detailed information about each R5000-Omx part number you can find at InfiNet Wireless web-site: (PtP products) and (PtMP products)

InfiNet Wireless R5000-Omx units front panel view is below:

 Device status descripition according to LED modes is given in section ODU LED indicators description.

ODU LED indicators description 


R5000-Mmx and R5000-Omx models have two LED indicators (red and green) located in the Console connector. These LEDs are useful in monitoring the device status during the installation procedure. LEDs modes and Device status correspondence is shown in the following table:

Red indicatorGreen indicatorDevice status
OffOffDevice is switched off of in the process of start-up booting
OffBlinkingDevice is booted. No radio connection. Searching for another device to establish radio connection to
BlinkingOnRadio connection established. The more data is transmitted through the radio channel the more frequently red indicator is blinking

R5000-Smn and R5000-Lmn models have a special LED indicator set located at the back of each device designed to provide basic status information:

LEDStatusDevice Status
PWROnThe device is powered on
RFBlinkingRF-link is being established
OnRF-link established
ETHOnWired link established
Signal level This scale displays current RF signal level and is designed to provide assistance in device alignment and link quality estimation

Part number description