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Code Block
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "snmpd user USERNAME add pass PASSWORD
 security authNoPriv accessRights readWrite class admin"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "snmpd start"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "config save"

In order to enable "SNMP Trap" simultaneously for all CPE s connected to the BS  (including BS too), on the BS execute the following commands (replace "IP ADDRESS" with the InfiMONITOR IP-address)

Code Block
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd start"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd dst IP ADDRESS:162/v2"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type topoGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type radioGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type mintGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type ospfGroup enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type linkEvent enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd typetrapdColdStartEvent enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type snmpdAuthenticationFailureEvent enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "trapd type syslog enable"
mint rf5.0 rcmd -node all -self -cmd "config save"

Configure the agent IP-address separately, for each device (replace"IP ADDRESS" with the device IP-address value)
