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InfiMONITOR could be configured and managed via the special web-interface.
Enter monitoring system web-interface IP-address : http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,
where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - IP-address assigned at InfiMONITOR installation stage. In order to change the IP-address, use the service mode.
System may announce you about unsecured connection while entering to the InfiMONITOR web-interface. This is due to the fact that the required protection certificate is not assigned by the certification authorities center. This error does not affect the InfiMONITOR security.
To prove the certificate trust expand the "ADVANCED" tab and click on "Proceed to XXX.XXX.XXX.XX (unsafe)".
This step may vary in different browsers.
Afterwards you will be prompted to enter authorization data.
By default, use the following web-interface authorization data:
- Login - "admin"
- Password - "admin"
It is mandatory to change "admin" password, before initial configuration of the InfiMONITOR.
After the successful login, you will enter InfiMONITOR management interface. InfiMONITOR management interface has the following sections: