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InfiLINK 2x2

InfiLINK 2x2 family – a high-performance wireless routers family is used to build point-to-point links and solve a wide range of tasks. The maximum capacity of InfiLINK 2x2 systems reaches up to 280 Mbps. Products has a high spectral efficiency and are optimal for stable communication over long distances both in a line of sight (LOS) and in a non line of sight (NLOS) conditions.

All InfiLINK 2x2 products are available across a number of frequency bands with selection of integrated antenna and connectorized models.

InfiLINK 2x2 family consists of the two series:

  • InfiLINK 2x2 PRO – high performance devices based on the H08 hardware platform (up to 280 Mbps);
  • InfiLINK 2x2 LITE – medium performance devices based on the H11 hardware platform (up to 180 Mbps).

InfiMAN 2x2

InfiMAN 2x2 family – wireless point-to-multipoint system designed for various applications, including wireless ISP networks, video surveillance systems, fixed and mobile enterprise networks.

Family encompasses a number of base station sector units, including those with a beamforming antenna, and a range of subscriber terminals, providing high spectral efficiency, high reliability of connections over long distances and excellent quality of service.

The datasheets of devices are presented on the InfiNet Wireless website.